Agave palmeri

Agave palmeri

Aeonium arboreum 'Atropurpureum'

Aeonium arboreum 'Atropurpureum'

Yucca angustissima

Narrow Leaf Yucca
ex 1.5L pots
Availability: Sold Out
  • Buy 2 for £7.99 each and save 11%
Quick Overview
  • Low-growing acaulescent Yucca
  • Narrow filiferous foliage
  • Trunkless or low procumbent stems
  • Requires perfect drainage
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Yucca angustissima, Narrow Leaf Yucca, is a handsome, low, usually trunkless or procumbent Yucca that is endemic to Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and Colorado. It can be solitary or form clumps and the long thin rather delicate foliage is green with white margins that become filiferous. It resembles Yucca harrimaniae but has a taller inflorescence and its fruit are constricted in the same way as Yucca constricta but usually not as deeply as Yucca constricta.

A tough Yucca that tolerates extremes of drought and severe frost it is rarely encountered in cultivation in the UK and shouldn't be confused with Yucca angustifolia which is a synonym for Yucca gloriosa var. recurvifolia.

Yucca angustissima is rarely available and we have only a very limited quantity of seed-raised plants.

Additional Information

Order Asparagales
Family Asparagaceae
Sub-Family Agavoideae
Geographical Origin USA: Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and Colorado
Cultivation Full sun. A warm sheltered aspect. Perfect drainage in a gritty, sandy alkaline substrate. Add limestone chippings to the mix. As dry as possible in winter
Eventual Height 1m with a 2m inflorescence
Eventual Spread 1.5m
Hardiness Hardy with good drainage. Protection with fleece in extremes of cold is sensible when young. Will tolerate winter wet providing it has a good free-draining substrate.
Yucca angustissima
Narrow Leaf Yucca
ex 1.5L pots
Availability: Sold Out
  • Buy 2 for £7.99 each and save 11%
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