Euphorbia lactea f. cristata

Crested Milkstripe Spurge, Mottled Spurge, Frilled Fan Spurge, Milk Spurge, Milkstripe Spurge, Milkstripe Euphobia, Elkhorn Spurge, Candelabra Spurge, Mottled Candlestick
ex 1L pots
Availability: In stock
Quick Overview
  • Crested form of stunnng variegated succulent
  • Mottled white and purple-red variegation
  • Grafted
  • Free-draining gritty substrate
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The cristate form of Euphorbia lactea is one of the most visually striking succulent houseplants you could ever own. Although it has some green chlorophyll present in its body, it is heavily mottled with creamy white pigmentation and the growing crest is richly variegated in a deep purple-red. Because this lack of chlorophyll makes it almost impossible to survive on its own roots, Euphorbia lactea f. cristata is grafted on to another Euphorbia grafting stock.

Euphorbia lactea is a tropical plant from Sri Lanka and requires year round protection from cold temperatures. It is an ideal houseplant and should never be overwintered in a cool glasshouse. A windowsill or a position with a well-lit aspect and indirect light is best. It can be placed outdoors during the summer months but should be kept in the shade for two to three weeks to harden it off and prevent it from getting burnt by the sun, gradually acclimatising it to semi-sun. The toxic milky sap within the plant usually protects it from insect and mollusc predation. It should be brought back inside in late September. As long as it has a very free-draining gritty substrate it can be watered relatively liberally during the summer months and then kept predominently dry during the winter.

Cristate or crested plant forms are a genetic mutation. Instead of one meristem or growing point the plant grows from a continuous line of growing points that form a crest. Each plant is unique in shape. Seeing plants as living works of art is not a type of vision that many people have but with Euphorbia lactea f. cristata that visionary insight comes very easily.

Additional Information

Order Malpighiales
Family Euphorbiaceae
Sub-Family Euphorbioideae
Synonyms Euphorbia lactea 'Cristata'
Geographical Origin Sri Lanka
Cultivation Sun. A warm well-lit aspect. Water sparingly and not at all from November through to February. Ideal houseplant
Eventual Height 20cm
Eventual Spread 15cm
Hardiness Tender. Must always be overwintered as a houseplant
Euphorbia lactea f. cristata
Crested Milkstripe Spurge, Mottled Spurge, Frilled Fan Spurge, Milk Spurge, Milkstripe Spurge, Milkstripe Euphobia, Elkhorn Spurge, Candelabra Spurge, Mottled Candlestick
ex 1L pots
Availability: In stock
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