Sempervivum ciliosum
Tenerife Houseleek, House Leek, Tenerife Hen and Chicks
ex 9cm pots
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Clump-forming succulent rossettes
  • Fine white hair-like cilia on the foliage
  • Attractive pale yellow flowers when mature
  • Ideal on green-roofs or in dry stone walls
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Sempervivum ciliosum, Tenerife Houseleek, is one of the most beautiful of the Sempervivums. Its foliage is covered with fine white hair-like cilia giving it a soft delicate look yet it is a tough character and fully hardy, surviving freezing conditions down to a mind-numbing -20 C. The foliage is generally green but often enhanced temporarily by a reddish or crimson blush. It is usually encountered by the synonym, Sempervivum ciliosum var. borisii.

It readily forms numerous offsets and with a little care a large mature specimen will create a very handsome clump, enhanced by the pale yellow flowers.

Perfect in a terracotta bowl or out in your gravel garden or perhaps perched on your green roof or tumbling from the crevices of your stone wall.

Sempervivums grow really well in a mixture of loam and grit, the combination of moisture and drainage suiting them exactly.

Additional Information

Order Saxifragales
Family Crassulaceae
Sub-Family Sempervivoideae
Synonyms Sempervivum borisii, Sempervivum ciliosum var. borisii, Sempervivum ciliosum f. borisii
Geographical Origin Europe
Cultivation Well-drained sandy, gravelly soil. A mixture of loam and grit is ideal. Grows well in rock crevices, on dry stone walls and on roof tiles. Full sun
Eventual Height 3-6cm
Eventual Spread Clump forming: 30-50cm
Hardiness Very hardy - down to -20C
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Sempervivum ciliosum
Tenerife Houseleek, House Leek, Tenerife Hen and Chicks
ex 9cm pots
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