Hedychium griffithianum
Griffith Butterfly Ginger, Griffith's Butterfly Lily
ex 1.5L pots
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Lush jungly foliage
  • Delicate white flowers with salmon-pink filaments and anthers
  • Root-hardy with a protective mulch
  • Humus-rich soil in a warm sheltered location
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Hedychium griffithianum, Griffth Butterfly Ginger, is a medium-sized ginger from the Himalayas with lush foliage to 1.5m and sweetly fragrant inflorescences of white flowers with a delicate spidery appearance and salmon-pink filaments and anthers. It is one of the most beautiful of all the Hedychiums and like most in the genus requires a long, warm, growing season to flower. Often the onset of a cold autumn will curtail flowering at the bud stage.

One for experienced growers...

Additional Information

Order Zingiberales
Family Zingiberaceae
Sub-Family Zingiberoideae
Synonyms Gandasulium griffithianum, Hedychium griffithianum var. glanduligerum
Geographical Origin Himalayan region; India, Nepal, Sikkim
Cultivation Warm sheltered aspect. Partial shade to prevent scorching. Plenty of water with regular feeding throughout the summer. Mulch in winter
Eventual Height 1.6m
Eventual Spread Spreading habit, 1-1.5m
Hardiness Herbaceous root-hardy perennial. Rhizomes should be sited in a humus-rich soil and nested in a bed of sharp sand for drainage in the winter. Mulch during the winter months
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  1. Excellent service.
    Yesterday we ordered a number of plants, including the above. It arrived this morning, well packet and in excellent condition and already a strong plant. I will certainly be recommend their service, and valurfor money, to my friends.

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Hedychium griffithianum
Griffith Butterfly Ginger, Griffith's Butterfly Lily
ex 1.5L pots
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