Araucaria heterophylla

Araucaria heterophylla

Aeonium undulatum

Aeonium undulatum

Euphorbia globosa

Globose Spurge
ex 9cm pot
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Unusual succulent caudiciform
  • Rounded spineless segments
  • Lower stem growing more woody with age
  • Tiny bizarre cyathiums
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Euphorbia globosa, Globose Spurge is an unusual small-growing succulent Euphorbia from South Africa with rounded spineless segments that generate further segments clustering around each crown and gradually forms a low many-branched clump. As the main stem grows older it becomes woody and this caudex-forming habit can be accentuated by the artful removal of various segments to form a pleasing shape. Likewise on very old specimens some of the root can be left exposed to further this gnarled caudicifom look.

Euphorbia globosa like all Euphorbias has curious flowering structures called cyathiums that are best described as neither flowers nor inflorescences. The cyathiums of Euphorbia globosa are perhaps even a little more curious than most. Atop an elongated purple peduncle, the cuplike structure houses a female gynoecium surrounded by male flowers and an involucre with an array of five fused nectar glands each with three or four linear petalloid appendages that are covered in tiny white-margined pits and superficially resemble the radiating form of green and yellow petals.


Additional Information

Order Malpighiales
Family Euphorbiaceae
Sub-Family Euphorbioideae
Synonyms Dactylanthes globosa, Medusea globosa
Geographical Origin South Africa: Eastern Cape
Cultivation Sunny well-lit aspect. Well-drained, sandy, gritty mix. Water sparingly, not at all during winter. Ideal houseplant
Eventual Height 8-15cm
Eventual Spread 6-10cm
Hardiness Although it will take a light frost to about -3C this is effectively a tender plant in the UK and will not tolerate a typically wet British winter. Indoors only or in a cool glasshouse
Euphorbia globosa
Globose Spurge
ex 9cm pot
Availability: Sold Out
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