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Crassula rupestris subsp. marnieriana

Jade Necklace, Jade Necklace Plant, Chinese Pagoda, Concertina Plant, Worm Plant
ex 1L pots
Availability: Sold Out
Regular Price £9.99 Special Price £8.99
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Quick Overview
  • Engaging succulent houseplant
  • Flattened bead-like foliage turning reddish in the sun
  • Requires little water, keep dry in winter
  • Tender, indoors only
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Crassula rupestris subsp. marnieriana, Jade Necklace, is a highly attractive procumbent succulent from Namibia and southwest South Africa with fleshy ovate foliage arranged along the stems in a manner resembling a chunky necklace. In the summer, the foliage takes on pinkish and sometimes yellow and orange tones in the sun. It is slow-growing and very long-lived, forming sizable ground-scrambling shrubs in time, the older stems turning woody. Because of it its floppy habit it is ideal as a trailing plant in a basket, hanging container.or tall pot. Mature plants have pinkish flowers in the summer.

It is often sold in garden centres under the synonym Crassula rmarnieriana. Recently, plants have been entering the UK from The Netherlands carrying the cultivar name 'Hottentot'. It is no different from the type species and is yet another marketing exercise. Who actually thought it would be a good idea to call this plant by a derogatory and best-avoided name for the Khoekhoen, the indigenous people of southwest Africa is unknown. And how people think it is ok to sell plants with this deprecated name - considered offensive to the Khoekhoen - is frankly beyond belief. But - as you already know - for some, accurate labels or wider issues are not important and the focus is often more about shifting as much product as possible.

Additional Information

Order Saxifragales
Family Crassulaceae
Sub-Family Crassuloideae
Synonyms Crassula marnieriana, Crassula marnieriana 'Hottentot'
Geographical Origin Namibia, South Africa
Cultivation Full sun. Good drainage, Gravelly, sandy soil. Dry in winter
Eventual Height 15cmcm
Eventual Spread 70-100cm
Hardiness Tender in the UK. An ideal houseplant
Crassula rupestris subsp. marnieriana
Jade Necklace, Jade Necklace Plant, Chinese Pagoda, Concertina Plant, Worm Plant
ex 1L pots
Availability: Sold Out
Regular Price £9.99 Special Price £8.99
  • Buy 2 for £8.50 each and save 5%
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