Lotus corniculatus

Lotus corniculatus

Rodgersia pinnata

Rodgersia pinnata

Bergenia 'Rotblum'

Bergenia 'Red Beauty', Bergenia 'Red Flower', Elephant's Ears, Heartleaf, Siberian Hyacinth, Pig Squeak, Megasear,
ex 1.5L pot
Availability: In stock
Quick Overview
  • Large oval-shaped leaves
  • Useful big-leaved groundcover
  • Deep pink flowers in spring
  • Fully hardy
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Bergenia 'Rotblum' is a selected cultivar of Begenia crassifolia. It is usually listed as Bergenia cordifolia 'Rotblum' but Bergenia cordifolia is a synonym of Begenia crassifolia. 'Rotblum' is of course, German for red flower. This is also something of a misnomer as the flowers of Bergenia 'Rotblum' are perhaps most accurately described as a deep rosy pink, certainly a deeper shade than the pale pink of the type species. The calyces and often the scape itself are reddish and tend to add colour to the flowering plant which usually blooms in April although it can be as early as March.

Bergenias can be underated and are often looked down upon as being a bit too common. In the exotic garden, their big foliage works well with other more obviously exotic plants particularly when used imaginatively, poking them into crevices and vertical nooks so they cascade down over walls and rock faces. Not to be sneered at.

Additional Information

Order Saxifragales
Family Saxifragaceae
Synonyms Bergenia biflora, Bergenia biflora var. hawortiana, Bergenia bifolia, Bergenia cordifolia, Bergenia coreana, Bergenia crassifolia var. cordifolia, Bergenia media, Hygrophila pilosa, Justicia burchellii, Saxifraga cordifolia, Saxifraga crassifolia, Saxifraga crassifolia var. elliptica, Saxifraga crassifolia var. obovata, Saxifraga crassifolia var. pauciflora
Geographical Origin Horicultural cultivar. Type species from China, Mongolia, Siberia
Cultivation Prefers partial shade and a moist rich porous soil
Eventual Height 30 cm
Eventual Spread 1 m
Hardiness Fully hardy
Bergenia 'Rotblum'
Bergenia 'Red Beauty', Bergenia 'Red Flower', Elephant's Ears, Heartleaf, Siberian Hyacinth, Pig Squeak, Megasear,
ex 1.5L pot
Availability: In stock
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