Aloe variegata

Aloe variegata

Aloe x spinosissma

Aloe x spinosissima

Aloe juvenna

Tiger Tooth Aloe
ex 1.5L pot - tall plants
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Frost-tender Aloe, ideal houseplant
  • Attractive mottted foliage
  • Toothy yet soft marginal spines
  • Free-draining soil
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Aloe juvenna, Tiger Tooth Aloe, is one of the most beautiful of the smaller Aloes with a white flecked variegation and toothy yet soft spines on the marginal edges of the foliage. Endemic to Kenya it is frost-tender and makes an ideal and dramatic houseplant. It can be placed outdoors in the summer months but - like many succulents - the foliage tends to turn pinkish in the sun and a semi-shady aspect is best to avoid this. It is fast-growing and quickly sends out many offsets, forming an attractive clump with many tall rosettes.

Aloe juvenna looks best in a low wide terra cotta container with a very free-draining substrate that has had plenty of grit, shingle, sand and perlite added to the mix. Indoors it needs to be placed near a window or skylight where it will get as much light as possible. Don't overwater it in the summer and it should not be watered at all during the winter months from October through to March.  

Additional Information

Order Asparagales
Family Asphodelaceae
Sub-Family Asphodeloideae
Geographical Origin Kenya
Cultivation Best in a container as a houseplant. Can go outdoors in summer, usually turning pink in full sun. Semi-shade is ideal. Water during summer, keep dry in winter. Bring indoors in October. A well-drained soil to which sand, grit, and perlite has been added
Eventual Height 60-70cm
Eventual Spread 60cm
Hardiness Frost tender. Bring indoors for the winter. Best as houseplant in a well-lit position
Aloe juvenna
Tiger Tooth Aloe
ex 1.5L pot - tall plants
Availability: Sold Out
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