Mammillaria bombycina

Mammillaria bombycina

Mammillaria polythele 'Nuda'

Mammillaria polythele 'Nuda'

Mammillaria supertexta

ex 1L pots
Availability: In stock
Quick Overview
  • Charming globular to cylindrical Mexican cactus
  • Endangered in the wild
  • Woolly axils and short spreading chalky white spines
  • Variable pink to purplish-red flowers
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Mammillaria supertexta is a charming globular-shaped cactus from central Mexico that grows cylindrical with age, clumping from the base. It has woolly axils and short stiff white spines that radiate from the aureoles in a spreading star-like formation and although prickly to the touch are in no way painful. It is thus an ideal cactus to have around the house or as a first plant for a young child. And for the collector, its compact aesthetic beauty is self-evident.

The flowers of Mammillaria supertexta are typically produced late in the season in a ring around the stem of the plant and are variable from pale pink through to magenta or deep purplish red.They are followed by elongated pink to red seed capsules.

In the wild, Mammillaria supertexta is classified as Endangered on the IUCN Redlist and grows only in the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley.

Additional Information

Order Caryophyllales
Family Cactaceae
Sub-Family Cactoideae
Synonyms Cactus supertextus, Mammillaria elegans var. lanata, Mammillaria elegans var. supertexta, Mammillaria lanata, Mammillaria martinezii, Mammillaria supertexta var. dichotoma, Mammillaria supertexta var. leucostoma, Neomammillaria lanata, Neomammillaria martinezii, Neomammillaria supertexta
Geographical Origin Mexico: Oaxaca, Puebla
Cultivation Full sun. Well-drained gritty substrate. Water sparingly through the growing season and keep completely dry in winter. Liquid feed during late spring and summer. Ideal houseplant
Eventual Height 20-30cm
Eventual Spread 8-10cm
Hardiness Cold tolerant, it will take a few degrees of sub-zero temperatures if kept dry in a cool glasshouse but outdoors in the UK it is not frost hardy in most cold wet UK locations. Best as a houseplant
Mammillaria supertexta
ex 1L pots
Availability: In stock
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