Sempervivum 'Black Beauty'

Sempervivum 'Black Beauty'

Caladium bicolor 'Tapestry'

Caladium bicolor 'Tapestry'

Aspidistra lurida

Cast-Iron Plant
ex 1L pots
Availability: In stock
Quick Overview
  • Attractive glossy lanceolate foliage
  • Ideal houseplant
  • Unusual purplish flower in winter
  • Prefers rich but well-drained soil
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Aspidistra lurida is another rarely-seen Cast Iron Plant species that is endemic to southern and south-central China where it is found growing in nooks and crevices of karst formations at low elevations. It has glossy lanceolate foliage similar to Aspiistra elatior and broader than the generally narrow foliage of Aspidistra daibuensis. It has a stiff petiole to about 6 inches and small basal flowers that are borne on an arching scape about 3cm long. The flowers have dark red bracts enclosing a purple perianth with a pale yellow-brown throat speckled with purple. They usually appear in winter - although we have seen them appear as early as September. Being so small and unobtrusive, they are easy to miss so keep an eye out for them as soon as the days start to get cooler.

Aspidistra lurida is not as hardy as Aspidistra elatior or Aspidistra daibuensis and is best treated as a house or conservatory plant. If you have a mild sheltered shady microclimate in a warmer part of the country you could experiment with a division of this outdoors once your main plant was well established.

Rare, rarely seen, rarely available: limited quantities.

Additional Information

Order Asparagales
Family Asparagaceae
Sub-Family Nolinoideae
Synonyms Aspidistra kouytchensis, Aspidistra kouytchensis var. aucubimaculata, Macrogyne convallariifolia
Geographical Origin China: Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou
Cultivation Ideal as a houseplant. Indirect light. Prefers a well-drained soil but tolerates drying out. The occasional liquid feed does wonders
Eventual Height 60-70cm
Eventual Spread 1m: clump-forming with creeping rhizomes
Hardiness Cold tolerant but best treated as a house or conservatory plant
Aspidistra lurida
Cast-Iron Plant
ex 1L pots
Availability: In stock
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