Hemerocallis 'Georgette Belden'

Hemerocallis 'Georgette Belden'

Tricyrtis hirta 'Albomarginata'

Tricyrtis hirta 'Albomarginata'

Iris pallida 'Aureo-Variegata'

Dalmation Iris, Sweet Iris, Variegated Dalmation Iris, Variegated Sweet Iris, Golden Variegated Dalmation Iris, Golden Variegated Sweet Iris
ex 1.5L pot
Availability: Sold Out
Quick Overview
  • Bold sword-shaped architectural foliage
  • Striking gold and grey-green variegation
  • Sweetly-fragrant lavender-blue flowers
  • Full sun


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Iris pallida 'Aureo-Variegata', Dalmation Iris, is a Tall Bearded Iris with magnificent architectural sword-shaped foliage that is boldly variegated with gold and greyish-green stripes. From May through to late June/early July it has lavender-blue flowers that have a distinctive and delicious grapy fragrance.

Iris pallida 'Aureo-Variegata' is a showy plant with a high visual impact. Used with imagination in combination with other more obviously exotic plants it creates a refreshing change from the stereotypic exotic garden which all too often has a very narrow and predictable planting palette.

Additional Information

Order Asparagales
Family Iridaceae
Sub-Family Iridoideae
Synonyms Iris × australis var. mandraliscae, Iris × australis var. tinaei, Iris desertorum, Iris fulgida, Iris × germanica subsp. pallida, Iris glauca, Iris gloriosa, Iris hortensis, Iris mandraliscae, Iris marchesettii, Iris moggridgei, Iris odoratissima, Iris pallida subsp. mandraliscae, Iris pallida var. odoratissima, Iris pallida subsp. pallida, Iris pallida var. rosea, Iris pallida subsp. sicula, Iris pallida subsp. tinaei, Iris pallidecaerulaea, Iris picta, Iris plicata, Iris propendens, Iris sicula, Iris swertii, Iris tinaei
Geographical Origin Horticultural cultivar: the type species is endemic to Croatia and Montenegro and north to Slovenia and northern Italy
Cultivation Full sun. Well-drained rich soil. Plant shallowly and allow sun to bake the semi-exposed rhizomes durimg the summer
Eventual Height 70-95cm
Eventual Spread 60cm
Hardiness Fully hardy
Iris pallida 'Aureo-Variegata'
Dalmation Iris, Sweet Iris, Variegated Dalmation Iris, Variegated Sweet Iris, Golden Variegated Dalmation Iris, Golden Variegated Sweet Iris
ex 1.5L pot
Availability: Sold Out
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